Bruh, for real... really?

why was this needed.
it was already fine without this rule.

Prob just to clarify

Mainly to keep a fair impression on topic titles to visitors on the forum. Also since some people go on the forum on a school computer (like me rn) and… surely the school would find a link with profanity suspicious, right?


Huh, so im not alon-

well, thats understandable.

I’m not alone!

Well, I wasn’t alone…until this website got blocked :frcryin:

im fine either way

ayy im not alonee—

That’s school for you


still fucking stupid

I don’t know why there’d be a need to include profanity in your topic title in the first place. Just use euphemisms lol

I don’t know why there needs to be a rule to stop profanities from appearing in titles in the first place, people almost never did that anyway

meh i dont get it either but either way i’m not affected

You know when your english teacher told you to make a convincing and eye-catching hook for your essays?

“So Mr. Richardson FUCKED Mrs. Earnest and the affair was justified.”


thanks for letting me know the quote function didn’t work


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You’re welcome :>

this is the exact reason i’m barely online on discord

@Meta But no one does that anyways??? I swear I never saw a topic with profanity in the title.

There have been a few in the past few days but I quietly changed their titles.