BTD6 Ezia edition challenge

ik I ain’t getting bullied lol, I was just joking

wdym by tame ?

Supposedly the forums were wild around about last year

Ezia doesnt do anything outlandish to attract bullying,

Ezia you are just a huge character if that makes sense.

forums were dead as hell last year
by glory days he means june 2020 forums
hell it was still pretty dead when i joined (december 2020)

What is something outlandish ?

What do you mean by huge character ?

You’re tame as others have said, its not like you act in some bizarre unnaceptable way like others do.

And as a character? Just the way you are is kinda funny, not in a bad way, but in a the edgegod is here kinda way

This parts syntax makes no sens, wdm by “here kinda way”


I am so very confused rn