Build Discovering

So my friend and I want to try and find every build possible, and find every combination and try them. I’m wondering if others are doing the same, and they told me that someone on here has the same idea. Would anyone like to help me with it?



If you mean stat builds there are 11

Berserker, Warlord, Warlock, Juggernaut, Mage, Conjuror, Paladin, Warrior, Knight, Warden, and Savant.

Classic Stat Builds


Gunslinger - Warrior / Weapons only but you are using ONLY guns
Thermo Fist + Ash
Sailor Fist + Ice
Ice / Snow + Water / Wind
Edge Lord - Conjurer with Katana + Shadow / Purple Lightning
Armstrong - Palading (Vitality and Magic) with Metal Aura [Gives a lot of hp on top of already ton of hp]

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I want to make as many builds as possible to fully explore the game and see everything it can give, but I don’t want to no-life it and I want to split the workload so the builds are seen, but not too many for one or two people.

I meant every type anyone could do. That WITH magic combinations. I intend to see every crevice of this game.

Well good luck, because according to Headless, there’s 14k to 4 million types of combinations you can do in Pre-Release. Keep in mind this will only rise with Rare Spells/Techniques/Weapons that will be gradually added post release

same mindset as i do i see

just im doing 3 or 4 of every possible stat build at least with outliers and eventually all magics possible later down the line

For mages, there are 6,840 variations for a 3-magic combo (20x19x18)

For weapons I think there’s about 20-23 weapon types, I can’t remember how many exactly, and you can’t equip more than one of the same weapon type so there are between 6,840 and 10,626 variations for a 3-weapon combo

For berserkers, there’re 8 fighting styles currently listed on the Trello so 336 possible berserker combinations.

I don’t even wanna get into hybrids and awakenings, but it’s so interesting to think about that I just might

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Alright looking at this a couple minutes later I realize I didn’t account for re-arranged duplicates (for example Magma Ash fire vs Fire Magma Ash) so it’s flawed calculations across the board

cool idea. im thinking of doing sometihng similar

Permutations vs combinations :frpensive:

i have collected the
and now i have the
all i need now are H, A, N and O

How many alts can you make before you die?

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