Bunch of animation pack ideas (just ideas not suggestions)

(Some of these are kinda jokes but overall I think they might look cool in game)

oracle animation
floaty animation pack that makes the user hover ever so slightly above the ground, makes the user look wise and powerful.

madman animation
crazy erratic animation that involves the user running with arms swaying and mainical laughing as the charge animation.

lycanthrope animation
makes the user move and act like a werewolf, good for furries.

speedrunner animation
I. am. speed.

involves using the mario backhop glitch as a run animation and extremely fast dashing side to side as a charging animation

(does not provide a speed buff)

zombie animation
causes the user to act like a sluggish zombie, makes them walk oddly and run even weirder.

r6 animation
simplest animation ever, literally just r6 like movement.

no animation

zero animations when running, walking, charging etc… just… stand there…

ballerina animation
allows the user to act like a ballerina, involves walking on tiptoes, and charging by doing pique turns.

sneaky animation

a sneaky animation for sneaky gamers, involves tiptoeing, and charging is looking around and planning an attack.

ninja animation
causes the user to run and act like a ninja, involves meditating as the charging animation on one leg, and naruto running.

groovy animation

yeah baby, a truly SMASHING animation pack that will make you dance until you die

involves dancing passively in idle animation, going freestyle in charging, running and walk cycles might look a little pizzazzed as well.


no suggestions!!!1!111!

omg suggestion!!!11! get banned for 1000 years !!!

They need to a a “griddy” animation where each and one of your animations are replaced with your character hitting the griddy

When suggestions open back up i will suggest the
Bizzare pack
Idle animation-
Jonathan Joestar Friends - Giant Bomb
Charging animation
When did Dio strike this pose? : r/StardustCrusaders

i actually made a few animations for a zombie animation pack, though im waiting to post them until suggestions reopen