Burger King is a bad company

i’d argue they’re a good company

I wouldn’t even be surprised if that is a real tweet at this point

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This was taken out of context.
Full context:

Burger king said a sexist thing to get clicks.

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It is. I linked the tweet in my post.

Oh shoot, I didn’t see it

corporation moment

I completely forgot today was Women’s Day, oh dear



I checked the replies and they freakin doubled down.

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His username is KFC Gaming so

I have no idea what that account is, but it is verified and had 238k followers.

wtf… kfc is british??? i thought they were kentucky…
also ew faceless corporation on twitter…

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Since when did KFC do gaming

since august 2018 apparently

female no exist

Well I can see what they were trying to convey but the execution was pretty terrible

clickbait with sexism.

genius move

lmao, based burger king

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when they made the KFConsole
which better come with a discount on kfc

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