Average Tuesday in Reminders for AO

If he doesn’t shut up then I’ll put him on my kill on site list
I need more on the list :nod::+1:

You put way too much effort into arguing with an obvious troll. Also, wdym byzantine?

p.s. the spastic comment was a bit ableist.

i feel like you’re starting to twitterify everything and i dont like it

i took it from a copypasta, i’ll remove it rn, didn’t see it

Other than that one pride flag emojis topic, what twitterish posts have I made?

Get off twitter, ultra. It’s not very good for you.


I don’t see anything wrong with any of these posts (some are a bit political for a Roblox forum, but still). Some are literally just updates from Vetex.

(via twitter screenshot)

What the fuck bro really went through his entire post history :skull:

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topic history*

he asked and i delivered


mf got called out

Prepare everyone, for it is the final hour

(I’m in EST Time btw)

Less than an hour left

lets see if he learnt his lesson (he didn’t)

guess i’ll be on time today

I prob won’t be able to see the chaos so someone tell me what happened when I come back

just check the new split topic

How much are we betting they instantly get banned hopefully for longer

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(cst btw)