guys please respond if good trade i am big trading pro please give i know value and if you say no you are the wrong in the trade value
yes i make good deal and if no trade the swrod then you the bad and if not bda then bad
omg le best trade ever!1111111
this is good trade yes???
Totally epic good trade 100% crowns are totally not useless, 500 crowns for sunken thats a done deal man am I right wow such a good trade I would take it!
This is a joke, right?
i am new user on marketplace with no pfp who just spent hour farm for 500 crown pls give
Im going to take this seriously for a second. There is NO WAY you are getting a sunken with 500 crowns. Hell, rusty cans here are sold for 5000 crowns here. The reason is inflation. There are crown codes in WoM that can give you 2500 crowns per account. People make alts, and make tens of thousands of crowns, if not hundreds of thousands or millions if this amount is required for some reason. Due to this, people are not going to sell a sunken, something that takes hours and hours to get, for about 45 seconds worth of crowns.
yeah nah this is a joke trade lol dw
but i get sunken helmet for vastira!!11
sunken value no!!111
The only reason I wrote this is when I genuinely got 5000 crowns before I knew about codes I tried to buy a boss drop. I had only been on the forum for about two seconds before making the post, and someone had to tell me about codes. Sometimes I cant tell if someone is actually retarded or if they are making a joke.
you learn something new on the forums everyday :troll:
This is true.
ok ill stop being brain dead for a second, someone tried to get 2 sss for crowns and i decided to do funny
Yeah it makes me wonder when people post about trying to buy a sunken or a boss drop with crowns there is only a few reasons why that could be.
- They are underage
- They have been on WoM and the forums for .02 seconds.
- Something is wrong with their brains.
can we just disable the marketplace
i second this
go ahead pls do