Buying all 2024 halloween seasonal with galleon/sunken

dm @wheatwhole_ on discord for offers. I have sunken sword sw boots sw helm with 30k galleons
pls i procrastinated :sob:

Bro the event just ended :sob:

Gotta get em while they’re cheap

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Nah i procrastinated :sob:

You snooze you lose

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Bro I Am Giving Sunkens For Drip

Your sunkens will never take away my cat ears that I can’t actually use because grand navy fashion suppression

Uh can i get some sw stuff?


How much for em


It ended??
Dangit, I missed it…

me when I procrastinate the procrastination (how?)

Get a sinister gaze for me pls :grin:

You can have a seasonal candy
500k galleons

theyre always gonna be cheap lol, anyone investing in these rn are lowkey special

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Trading for seasonals is always good because the items you currently have could be outdated at any time and lose value. Seasonals however never lose value and instead gain a TON of value after a year or two

a ton in this situation is entirely incorrect, easter valks are actually decent looking items yet they’re still worth shit, and its been nearly 2 years.

The only reason headless is worth so much, is because it was the first large scale event and because they look good (july 4th also doesn’t count) that actually took effort to do. Some people (including myself) had the forsight to invest in headlesses.

Halloween 2024 and Easter 2024 will take far longer than 4 years for the seasonals to be worth anything significant that isn’t purely artificial. Anyone investing in Halloween 24 right now is highkey an idiot. It’s not the same situation as headless in 2020 where there wasn’t a large scale economy where everyone was overpricing their headlesses (in this situation all of the H24).

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Ok counterpoint, the cat ears and tail are gonna be worth fortunes to people who didn’t get them

honestly you’re right I can’t disagree with that. So many freaks