Buying ANY rare items for 5,000 CROWNS EACH

Lol I don’t get what you mean by me “scamming”.

Does 5k crowns for a rare item look like a rip-off to you?

5k is overpay rn

fine dm me
ill see if this is a scam

calico how could this even be a scam. do u know what a scam is?

thats why it is a scam. he buys it off to you and uses people to fake buy his boss drops

that doesnt make sense

I don’t get what you mean
If it’s a bad offer I decline it

your trying to get halloween items from selling it to the shop owner

That was never bannable… and Vetex disabled it

Calico please stop. We’ll just call the mods to get you banned from here, you’re clearly below 13 and do not realize that double is a verified trader.


wdym i am 13

but ok i will stop

Since I’m regular I’m just going to flag you for now.


i said i will stop tho :frowning:

calico i hate u. i said i didnt want to do it since its bannable

and u were ok with doing it. u should be banned not me. i can provide a screenshot for proof

Please stop continuing this drama and just let the damn mods deal with it appropiately when they’re online.

mk 10 characters


is this sponsored by Spellbreaker bank?

I expect u to throw the stuff in the storage instead of ur inventory if that is the case :fr: