I’m looking to buy some legendary scales for 15k each. DM me in dc (mystictoastt) or reply here. Thanks.

Bait used to be believable


how is it bait when im just looking for leg scales to buy what lol

I wouldn’t sell a legendary scale for 15k, given the rarity of legendary fish nowadays and also the fact that you cant get legendary fish from luck and more

and just to add, literally a week ago ppl sell it for 6k galls lol. just saying.

i assume you dont spend much time in the discord marketplace? e__e

Screenshot 2024-04-23 194535
: p

Wowie the marketplace is cooked

idc how much you pay for a legendary scale I need them to satiate my luck V addiction rah

Anyone tasted that juicy 1h of radiated liquid knows that 10 scales with a party of 5 pretty much net you 10 times more than what you paid for


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