Buying Mass Wizard Gear

Because A Sturdy Wall Is Only A LIL Bit Les Rare Then A Strong Oath

You must be new to tradin or sumn, but for future reference a strong oath is worth a lot more than a sturdy wall, and in terms of rarity strong oath is rarer too but only slightly cuz chance for shtrong on oaths is 1/3 and sturdy on walls is 1/2

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So Im Right About Rarity

I Am Kinda New Doe, I Havenā€™t Really Traded Much, BUT I Know Value And Rarity

thats only a third or a quarter of the total factors that decide an items value, theres still both usefulness and demand, a woj is more useful than an oath due to the weapon nerf (debatable between a sturdy wall and a strong oath tho) but the strong oathā€™s and oaths demand in general is a lot more to say the least

i suggest you check this out then fella, gud info :+1:

So From What I Read, Im Still Right About A Woj Being A LIL BIT Les Rare

did you ignore this

the difference between wojs demand and oaths demand is very high especially strong oath, also some people DO value wojs higher than oaths but the majority is otherwise

The Items Are Being Reworked In AO, So There A Real Good Chance The Woj Could Become Something Better

i mean ok cool but AO is still miles away + we have no idea what any boss drops will be compensated with especially not specific items (other than the fact that they will be more ā€œusefulā€)

Either Way, I Donā€™t Think Me Offering More Than DOUBLE The Items Should Only Net Me A Slightly Rarer Item

man if u keep trading your future self will hate you if you deny a strong oath, but hey if you want to give box like a 300% discount go for it

Elaborate What The Discount Is


do you not know how numbers work

also man im done you really jus denying all my advice and everything im saying even though im providing evidence, you aint gettin no mo from me

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Ima Done With Ur Backward Logic Too


its more than a slightly rarer item, the value difference between a strong oath and a sturdy walls is big

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hi ill sell u hard wizard pants or powerful whatever u want for sunkens

you need alot 15+ enchanted ones

How many for a bad oath or woj
Just wanna finish collectiion