Buying specific arc cannons:


Paying: Galleons, techscrolls, enchscrolls (no hard/strong), vindicator, boss drops, and a RecoveryV fooditem. If your interested in any of that and have any of those cannons, i’ll be glad to try and make a deal!

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i got light cannons

only got one already built but got 4 blueprints for light cannons

I’ll trade my ice cannon blueprints for a couple of swift scrolls

DM me at ProDucky#8078 if interested

Aight: What kinda deal would you be up for?

what bossdrops you have?

2 noble thunderspears, argos helmet, calvcape, carina legs, calvlegs

a calvus cape for the cannon is ok?

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Yup. I’m ingame right now, my ign is “hahyouplayedyourself”.

ok joining sorry if i didn’t respond was doing something omw

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