CACV-59 Shipwreck

“What are you on?”
“You sure those weren’t insanity potions?”

You can’t do that?

Weird, Probably a UI glitch, it’ll go away I think

Worst case you could just close out the roblox client if the issue persists

I won’t reset though, I haven’t seen this island generation before

“Hey @anon1944624 this guy is scaring me, should we tie him up till others wake up?”

My ping is really bad

this dark sea lightning is so graphically intensive

we should go back into the ship for now

( Internally screaming )

“Uh… we’ll just wait for the rest to wake up.”

“Yeah, let’s go back inside.”

“Yeah lets do that”

“hello there”

“Oh hi, Glad you’re awake!”
“We are gonna go find some supplies inside and hunker down”

“There should be some breads left understairs”

we are sitting in a shipwreck

are we gonna like

rebuild this thing

Nope we are not repairing the boat.

Smh time for the youtube tutorial…

Gonna open a new google tab for this lol

“We should probably try to find some way to purify water… as dark sea water doesn’t have any inherent health benefits. Rather, it’s not good for you at all.”

where the fuck is my parrot, where are my weapons

I’m going to open a burger king on this island

“If someone has fire magic we can boil the water to remove the salt. Or just wait for it to rain, it does that alot here.”

“As long as it isn’t as polluted as the water.”

“yeah at least it won’t be as salty”

leaves to find a barrel to store rainwater in

“I’m pretty sure the rainwater is just as polluted as the sea water, don’t know how that would work”
“has anyone seen a green and yellow parrot”

“Nah I haven’t seen any birds, Except that one that looked like it was on fire, Dunno where it went”