CACV-59 Shipwreck

We all get inside the shelter.

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 88

“Fine, I’ll use my second magic and make a second wall.”

I’m going to farm stones for some rock salts brb

The shelter had zero to no flaws.
And the tsunami was mostly stopped by the wall and preparations.
This resulted in us being mostly if not completely unscathed.

Your shelter lost only 12 integrity.

“Damage assessment time…”

There’s plenty of water in the trenches.
They were effective, preventing the inside of the fort from being flooded.

Only minimal flooding damage.
Nobody was injured of course.

“Only damage I see is bit of water that got inside”

(It got over walls from impact)

“Hmm. There’s some water in the trenches.”

“If we boil this water, and let it cool down afterwards we have fine drinking water to stave off dehydration.”

“Lots of it too.”

“But no real damage to the shelter?”

“As I said only damage is some water that got inside”

“So, no damage to the shelter. Just a somewhat more moist floor.”


Goes outside


“Guess this wave brought lots of metal with it”

“I even see some arcanium”


“That can’t b-”

He goes outside too.

“Sweet Poseidon, that is Arcanium!”

“We lucked out today, quite a lot!”

“There is enought arcanium to make full warden armor for everyone there”

“…yeah but we need to know how to smith the stuff, do we not?”

“I was asleep.
Why are you waking me up?”

“If you were outside you would’ve gotten hit by a big ass wave.”

“Well, okay then. I’m going back to sleep.”