CACV-59 Shipwreck


“Not here, the sun actually comes up from the south.”

“The Sun rises in the east, culminates in the south while moving to the right, and sets in the west.”

“Please dont tell me you are captain of ship and dont understand how sun path works”

Meanehile giant metal imbued wave goes in side of island

“…you ever heard of the shockwave heard round the world?”

“The reason the dark sea exists…”

“What threw our planet off-axis?!”

“Doesnt matter now. We should prepare for this wave!”

(I forgot about that part of lore)

“We can’t really do much except reinforce the shelter, maybe dig some trenches to divert the water back to the sea, and bring everyone inside.”

He starts digging trenches to divert the water back outside.

“I can create trenches with explosions and extra walls from magma to weaken the wave”

“Then I’ll just focus on getting everyone inside.”

@Shellseawing is brought inside the shelter.
@Unlucky is brought inside the shelter.
@DubiousLittleTyp0 is brought inside the shelter.

He needs to take a breather.

“Who the fuck… knew that wardens could be wearing THAT MUCH ARMOUR.”

He takes a moment to identify structural weakpoints in the shelter.


Starts spamming blast in every possible place and additional walls to redirect wave

starts spamming blasts to soak everything

“Stop there is tsunami about to hit us”


@akirogue is brought inside.
@Pingumann is brought inside.
@manyamongthem is brought inside.
@ImaLettuce is brought inside.
@lookingforabargain is brought inside.

“I saw someone else blasting the structure and wanted to join in!”

“ItsNotMe is reinforcing the structure…”

“Oh. How can I help?”

“Identify anything that could potentially lead to water of the tsunami leaking inside the shelter.”

“And then reinforcing it.”

“ItsNotMe is working on the walls.”


Throws some arctic potions to freeze part of tsumani

“What if I blasted the Tsunami?”