CACV-59 Shipwreck

“Guess that wave brought you in there on one of metal ores”

“Ah… am i on a ship right now?”

“You are in small shelter I built”

“The wreckage of one, and in the infirmary yes.”

He hands you a health potion.

( we brought him to the infirmary- )

(ok lets just say shipwreck was inside fort ok? If not I doubt it would survive the wave)

(Trust me, it would. It’s just it’ll flood more and more as time goes on, with waves crashing into it.)

(ok back to rp)

“So stranger… Whats your name?”

“My name? It’s Mike, Mike Arrow, what about yours?”

“Wilford Shield, former captain of a vessel.”

“Im Gabriel Banks”

“Nice to meet you two”

“Oh yeah, did you redraw the rudimentary compass… to fit with the newfound information?”

(The sun rises in the south.)

“Yes. I also made solar clock from some materials the wave has brought”

“Ah. Nice.”

“…maybe we can try and create a dark sea compass?”

stands up “what should I do?”

“Do anything as long as it isn’t inherently destructive.”

“You can take a look on small shelter I built nearby”

Points dorection of snaller version of fort talos

“We should finally name that thing”

“…why? It’s the Dark Sea, we’re most likely going to forget about the place” stands up and walks to the exit

“This island is just giant. About size of Ravenna and Blasted Rock so forgetting about it would be just dumb”