CACV-59 Shipwreck

“Finally… Atleast a bit of my sanity’s back…”

(k sure, but dont i need a ‘role’ thingy? since i saw that in the ‘video tape’ (original post), also is it possible to use offensive equipment such as magic from your own character instead of the predetermined one as i read in the ‘video tape’)

(You can be whatever you want as long as you arent some curse user or godlike character. Most of us in there are max level. (125) Lets just do that rp already)

(ehh sure, guess ill just use my AO main file as character, i cant come up with a good beginning to join the rp tho)

(ok im gonna do it for you then)

( videotape applied more to the voyage than IT BEING CRASHED. )

“Ymm guys… I see something else laying under metal the wave has brought”

Walks closer


“how dafuq”

“Doeant matter. He might still be alive.”

Takes him to infirmary

( infirmary )

(you guys have really complex language)

“He is still alive!”

(Now its your part)

“Oh thank goodness.”

“We should check up on his status first, to see if there was any damage before anything else.”

“Wait… I think he is about to wake up”

“Get one of healing potions we have”

He looks through his stock.

“Yeah, just a moment!”

“When you get it we just need to wait untill he wakes up”

wakes up and looks around “where… am I?”

“He is alive!”

“Give him the healing potion”

“We are on unknown island somewhere in third range of dark sea”

“Third range!? I don’t remember swimming that far”