CACV-59 Shipwreck

“couple hours per armor”

(It would take months irl at this technology level)

“Set, or piece?”

“if you make more forms then per set”


“Im gonna start melting arcanium ore”


walks outside and starts fishing

“Why do I keep getting Insane Fish!? They are literally coughing up powder!”

(sniff) i dunno… i got the dark sea sickness again- (passes out)

“That surely can’t be good.”

@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 6, 32, 7, 25, 45

@discobot roll 1d250

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 13


yawns, then goes back to sleep

@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 21, 34, 14, 50, 28

@discobot roll 1d250

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 80