CACV-59 Shipwreck


@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 41, 46, 44, 46, 2

@discobot roll 1d250

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 19

“sweet, 2% sanity.”

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

did we find mimhere island yet or something

“You know what? I dont care about you all anyomore”

Builds brig and goes back to war seas

I’m gonna farm coppershrooms on my alt this is boring

leaves the game through the menu

Rest of people is still stuck on island while one of them managed to escape.

           THE   END

and then typ0 got perfect jewelcrafting and he lived happily ever after

until the nimbus sea update dropped

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“bug found with jewelcrafting exp so everyone’s jewelcrafting exp will be reset”

thank god I had a spare 1,047 coppershrooms on me

But it’s not going to be easy getting another 100 gems… :sob:

“due to a bug making coppershrooms easier to get than intended, all players that have coppershrooms will have their coppershrooms reset”

whatever I’ll go back to othrys farming :sob:

“Mount Othrys has been removed since there were numerous complains that it was too difficult to scale with little to no rewards and no NPC bounties, Poseidons Temple is now just a hollowed out ocean floor in the place where Mount Othrys originally was”

wow very realistic okay that’s definitely going to happen :hugs:

guys the island despawned