Calvus and the Death Curse [theory]

(I theorized this after going through pre-Argos fight cutscene)
As we know, the Order of Aesir wanted the Death curse for themselves for some unknown reasons.
During the pre-Argos fight cutscene, Argos says that Calvus himself was going to where the Death Curse is to get it. Argos says it’s probably because of traitors issues, but I think it’s for something else.

In Calvus’s second phase, one of his explosion attack has some sort of teal aura, and I thought it was looking a bit like the teal “aura” the Death Curse has.

So, what if:
Nero Caesar didn’t have the Apocalypse Bringer Curse like some people are thinking, but the Death Curse. So Calvus wouldn’t want to take it for himself because of traitors, but because it’s the curse of his grandfather (+ immortality)? And Calvus says himself he wants it.

Also, it would make sense with the fact that Nero kind of nuked Winterveil, and that the Death Curse is a powerful curse (based on how it is described)


That’s exactly what I was thinking (I refuse to believe Apocalypse-Bringer is blue)

I’ve seen many apocalypses before and they are definetly blue, trust me



it would make sense for it to match chaos’ colour scheme

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iirc the same image that said he had the apocalypse curse also said that it wasn’t the death curse

makes sense but I don’t want it to be blue (I hope it at least has a red/orange variant)

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i’ll dm it to you once i get home to my computer

I refuse to think it is any singular color.

you’re right, it’s 2 as far as we know

lmfao indeed

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Honestly, I didn’t even consider it like this, but it makes perfect sense.
Why would they want the Death Curse specficially, besides its power? What even made them think it was in the Dark Sea? How did Beringer know?
Of course: Ravenna wielded it once before. It was Nero’s curse. The Azura Province likely sent scouts out to the Dark Sea to locate it, just to make sure nobody can get it before they find a way to extract it.
The remnant that remained in Calvus’s hands was unable to do significant damage… All it could do is 100 damage. Sure as hell doesn’t feel like death. Especially when his normal blast does 150.

With the actual Death Curse though?
If a likely 100+ year old man with a curse as fragile but strong as the Glass Curse could be beaten down by a fresh and extremely inexperienced user of the Death Curse, it certainly inflicts far, FAR more damage than Calvus’s fragment of it.

But this is also just digging far, far too deep into this.
Assuming this is the case, well, yeah.

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was never confirmed Julian was beat down, he was just knocked, and morden suffered heavy damage too

If Julian is the other Baron, he’s clearly alive after the fight

You know, I always presumed it was the Death Curse. Where was it stated it was Apocalypse Bringer again? I thought it was the case cause back then I heard many people saying it was, but looking back, there’s actually nothing that says as such. Makes it almost seem like some weird Mandela effect around here… weird

Well except if the list changed, the Apocalypse Magic is a thing. But the Death Curse is a better idea for me

the way i found out was in cryo’s server, you might still be able to find it if you look

Im not in that server :thinking:

You could dm me if you want to ig?