Calvus Arena Change (so sorry)

Calvus Arena Change (so sorry)
effort 5.0 3 quality 5.0 3 reasonability 5.0 4

(I’m so sorry for making so many suggestion posts but my mind is cranking these out like dads crankin out beers after a 9-5.)

Metaphors aside…

Uh, one of my worst experiences with Calvus is his pillar attack. The attack itself is fine. 100% fine. In fact, I love it. It requires fast thinking, plans of attacks, and allows you to punish him if you do it properly…

But uh, it’s how the attack interacts with it’s surroundings that’s the issue. Y’see, there’s 3 chandeliers at the top of Calvus’ arena, and if the pillar attack (or any attack for that matter, but it’s usually his pillar attack) hits one…

Well, I’ll try to type the sound effects here. AHEM.

-KztaakkkkKKKKKKKcrrrrkkkkkzaaaaaahhhh---- back to normal audio.

In short, it causes a LOT of noise, lag, particles, etc. So I have 2 propositions;

Either, a: make the pillar attack not interact with the chandeliers.
Or my favorite option, b; make the chandeliers invulnerable so they can be hit all they want and not commit a -KztaakkkkKKKKKKKcrrrrkkkkkzaaaaaahhhh----.

This would make the Calvus fight so much more fun and easier to play. It’s not Calvus that’s difficult, but the lag associated with him. And his chandeliers. Those DAMNED CHANDELIERS.

Didn’t notice this since I play with my sounds off but sounds reasonable

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here’s a video for those who haven’t experienced this


Oh man I thought I was the only one who experienced this nasty combo, Calvus usually lags my computer out and THEN launches multi blast and tries to crash, smash and trident grab me.

Though I’ve gotten used to it, It would be nice to make the chandeliers indestructible so that it won’t cause any lag.


thats more a bug report than a suggestion ngl

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oh so im not the only one who experience this, thought it was just my lap being old lol

do you guy also have this issue with buildings? cause i do

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Just dont jump

It doesn’t have anything to do with jumping though. It’s just the pillar attack hitting the chandeliers.

“calvus gets sick of you and just VINE BOOM

me who plays with sound off on min graphics: I DO NOT HAVE SUCH WEAKNESS

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