Camu's/Tuna's attempt at drawing multiple characters

I really wanna draw multiple characters/figures but I always dont, this is my practice and I will post more here.

what I tried doing here is that I tried making the characters at “eye level” or smth idk I dont actually do art, I just like drawing

a glimpse into my drawing process

I like to copy and paste what I finished off on before adding extreme changes like clothes, hands, hair and other details.

I do it with a lot of my extremely detailed drawings


einstein if he stopped fucking around

I cant come up with any interesting poses or cool designs for characters…

Maybe look at old jewelry and make a character inspired by one (or multiple), there’s some pretty cool looking stuff

did I capture the jewerly? :3


the process I did


how am I only seeing this now… wouldve been better

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Wow thats really pretty :pleading_face:

queen camu may you please draw 3 mayor tillys :pleading_face:

Obvious Spicytuna alt
Mods crush his skull thank you

I was watching castlevania and was thinking about how cool it would be to play with corpses and turn them into monsters, I always dreamed of mixing surgery and necromancy together

anyway I drew myself this group of monsters and a guy, the monsters are a lot less low effort than the main guy but it was really fast.

thats smth I dont know what to do with Im so used to making only one thing so detailed

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