Can anybody help me with this trasure chart?

i am very confused i don’t know english that well so can anybody help me? like mark around where could it be (its legendary)

Few paces means that you only go a few steps North-Northeast, which is the direction between North and Northeast on a compass.

but there is a cliff in there its not near sea level

The elevation part is very vague, and most of the time, the direction is the more consistent one between the two.

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nvm found it, was in the village

i am so lost idk what “halfway north northeast” means

usually it means that its gonna be most likely in the inner part of the island inside of like the edges of the sea, however it can sometimes be misleading

Like uh, in the center between a square and another square

think of that with a square in the center of the island and a square at the edge of the island
Halfway will be between those


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i thinks glitched already searched all around there and nothing

dang, usually halfway is misleading

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