I did some maths, so to be conjurer I need 40% in Magic and Weapon or higher.
And I can do that since 20% of 240 ( stats available at level 120) is 48, and my strength is under 48. So I can have magic & Weapon at 40% or higher.
Anyways, I heard about Magic Savant, and I’m scared to become a Magic Sevant even with +40% in Magic and Weapons, so what do you think about that?
I personally got conjurer with 100 magic, 30 vitality, and basically close to 100 weapons. I dont think its possible for you to get out of savant in time
Trello says 40% of magic and weapons for conjurer, which is attainable for you at level 120. However, you might be forced into savant for having more than 15% strength when you awaken. You could hold off on the story and awakening until a new way to reset stats comes out.