This makes sense and I’m 100% down for it… however I’m 90% sure I’ve seen this exact thing suggested before almost word for word.
This I do really like, though.
This makes sense and I’m 100% down for it… however I’m 90% sure I’ve seen this exact thing suggested before almost word for word.
This I do really like, though.
cause it was
I have had somebody else put this into a suggestion for me before, so it was probably that.
fair enough!
I had a feeling it was one of those but also if it wasn’t that’d be quite bad.
Idk seems like an rb1 alt trying to impersonate others to me…
Isn’t that right RB1?
Yeah ok bluefighterb15
Rb1 theory: he’s schizophrenic but all of his personalities are same but they have different memories they can’t share so that’s why everyone is rb1 alt
andd these were already suggested plenty of times, next
I thought at least the title one was new (besides the time it was already done from me)
Well, maybe I don’t deserve it then.
I think the ideas shouldn’t have to be original, honestly. Originality can only go so far. They just should have to not be something that was straight up stolen.
Here’s the thing, your suggestions weren’t quality or very in-depth
Dude I get you have a lot of shit takes but this is a new level
I can only go so in-depth for a trial version.
Not everything is a shitty take just because you don’t think it sounds like a great idea.
Why don’t you TELL me why it’s so bad?
Because (assuming suggestions worked as intended, which is doesn’t) if the idea was good enough to EVER be added to the game in a way shape or form, it would’ve been when the original suggestion was posted. They don’t want you reviving random suggestions that it’s already agreed they won’t be added, hence the 3 day timer and originality rule
Also you could just shamelessly copy the idea of a good suggestion to get the suggestor role for free
Okay, that makes sense.
See what happens when we use our words to solve things? I fully agree!
For example, I have a suggestion that was added to the game as well as 2 upcoming that are soon to be added. All my other suggestions (considering I didnt just shit them out to post something) would’ve been accepted had they been actually worthwhile for vetex to add
Suggestions are too complicated. I really just want to share my cool ideas with people but the “suggestion out of suggestions” thing is in my way.
If I want something in the game, I expect Vetex to do his own thing, like he normally does.