Can someone expalin why people play WOM2?

Im always getting bored once i get flight spell.

numbers activate their brains, why do you think people still play arcane reborn?

they want BIG level and they want to actually go about their life rather than spending a month no-lifing to lvl 10k, which means they will be playing for a while

People still play AR?


cool tiers, the only real downside atm is the broken energy costs (always take 1/4th of ur bar to cast a spell, WoM1 was like 3% for blasts) and galleon/item caps

I believe that its was done in terms of balance, since you probably saw size of attacks of 10k lvl player…

Crowns* and yeah, this is a real problem due to sunkens require more than 5k gals to upgrade after 170 lvl.

Cuz numbers in your lvl line are always growing.

that one pic was to enchant not upgrade

please speak english

Please, don’t be anthrax and write with a capital letter. :nerd_face:

There’s a difference between forgetting a capital letter and writing something that is imposssible to understand due to syntax

And who exactly are you? Are you my personal teacher? Or are you just offended that some people learn a language through more practice than theory? Or maybe you wanted to make a drama with me for personal reasons?

Oh no I don’t care if you speak english badly, I was just like to be able to understand what you’re saying

This is the first time I’ve heard something like this in 2 and a half years.

My speech is easier to understand than to distinguish your question from an attempt to insult a person.

I didn’t say you do, you said

I ain’t judging your english at all, I just said I couldn’t understand what you said and you decided to be offended by it so you could make drama

And ofc you are not judging my english there.

And ofc you are not judging my english there.

You are truly Ezia. Go on, cry about getting exposed.

Judging would be saying :
omg you’re a moron for not speaking english perfectly!

I’m saying that what you wrote I can’t understand, can’t see how that is offensive.

What are you on about