Can someone help me

I need some ideas for my game that i want to make and i want the writing to be really good

Well… I got plenty ideas for plenty of games, but they’re all probably shit
What genre are you looking for, what ideas do you already have?

What game u making

I have been writing ideas for like a year now so far i got lota of combat mechanics. The power system is called “kisei” and i have one fight scene i want to put in my game that tells the history of an a significant character.

Below is all i have written for the actual story. But i want more ideas for more cultures or clans to add maybe

I wood ninja fighting an assassin with a scythe a skull mask on and uses pumpkin shaped bombs kinds like the joker thats filled with toxic gas. He also can slice the air and make “rifts” and can grab them and throw them. So he can use them tactically against his opposition and travel or use attacks to take them by surprise.

The ninja summons a forrest of trees elevating him and his opponnet now they’re out of the gas, and the assassin is vulnerable to attacks. The ninja tries attacking with tree trunks growing from the ground and spreading rappidly so they can curl around and trap the assassin the assassin cuts tree trunks with his scythe. Then throws 3 rifts near the wood ninja. He throws more pumpkin bombs in the rifts and the wood ninja dashes toward the assassin avoiding the pumpkin bombs the assassin tries to escape by opening a rift to travel through but the wood ninja tackles him and they both fall through the rift which makes them both stuck in his domain. His domain is not with in the real world its like a personal void. Where he can summon rifts at will talk to people with in the domain telepathically. The only weakness is when hes in the domain its like they’re located closer to his psyche and thoughts hes very sensitive to sounds. The woodninja cant use wood in this domain and isnt aware of his weaness yet.

Scratch the whole being able to speak telepathically part

Wait im going to play with the telepathic idea a bit

The woodninja says “where are we?”

The assassin replies “were in my domain”

“There is no earth for me to summon wood here from” the wood ninja thinks.

Then the assassin replies telepathically "exactly "

“You can hear my thoughts the wood user” said worriedly

“Yes as you can can here mine we are inside my psyche.”

The setting right now i imagine is a plain black void.

The wood ninja says “I’m not letting you get away.”

Alot of this is subject to change.

The void has a timer of 30 minutes before everything is just spat out.

The assassin says “ill end this swiftly.” He holdsters his scythd to his back. Raises his arm opens a rift and generates a hot energy beam that only makes a subtle noise of it breaking the wind. A rift opens near the wood ninja jumps just for the energy beam to redirect by going through multiple rifts and the wood ninja is hit and sent flying by the beam. The assassin starts to tell the wood ninja “its hopeless u cant escape my attacks in here.” The wood ninja pools out his sword to then cut the beam in half has it comes towards him again. This causes a screeching sound the assassin grabs his own head in pain.

The assassin used another beam but constantly redirects it trying to distract the woodninja he then travels through a rift him self while the wood ninja seems occupied trying to appear behind him. The wood ninja ninja replies swiftly and tries to deliver a heavy punch. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the beam coming his way and ducks just for him to meet the assassins knee to his head. The ninja recovers quickly keeping his eyes on the energy beam thats still traveling swiftly between rifts. The assassin instead punches through a rift this time uppercutting the ninja sending him flying again. “This is ridiculous the the ninja thinks to himself” the assassin replies telepathically “its ridiculous you keep trying.” “GET OUT OF MY HEAD” says the ninja he dashes toward the assassin.

The wood ninja thinks “i know your weakness.”

“I know you do but i wont let you deflect another kisei beam”( kisei beam for now prolly will change the name later) the ninja stops dashing laterally holsters is sword. Then kicks his wooden flip flops in the air towards the assassin. “What is going barefoot going to do for you?” as the flip flops are in the air he dashes toward the assassin tries punching him with rifts but the ninja realised the assassin couldnt form more than 3 rifts at once he dodges the rift the assassin uses to punch him" you cant form more than 3 rifts" shouts the assassin and throws his sword at the next rift that form where he predicts where the beam will redirect and throws his sword to hit the beam causing a loud screech. The assassin falls covering his hears. The ninja grabs catches his wooden flip flops and transforms them into 4 shuriken he throws 2 directly at the assassin but the assassin recovers in time to deflect them with his scythe. He throws the other 2 shuriken at weirder more peculiar angles than the first 2 going no where near the assassin. "Let me cut you down!"screams the assassin. The ninja lunges at the assassin with his fist. And as the assassin is ready to reply with his scythe he gets nailed with a shuriken right to the head and he drops dead. The shuriken reflected off eachother because of the angles he threw it at causing one to deflect directly towards the assassin.

Kisei tablets teach u specific techniques and applications for kisei.

The wood ninja is from a deep forest civilisation with pyramids and temples

They use temples to generate power/kisei and use it for agriculture. They have many herbs and lots of foods. And moderate technology not very advanced. They also have a very stong warriors. They arent very welcoming to outsiders and usually kill newcomers on sight.
A boy from here has a father who goes out and hunts game and gathers information on about the surrounding areas of the large forest and he once took a long trip out and didnt come back for months. He met people outside of the forrest. His father was a bit of a care free type and had fun with the people he met sharing drinks with them and sharing stories about eachothers homelands. The people of the ice come from a civilisation onkoya and call themselves onko. They have had a sickness plaguing going on back at home, and have been struggling to find a cure
for it. Raymen gave some herbs to help with inflamatory to some of the anko that were also sick. And it helped a great deal. " i usually use these for allergies but see if these help" says raymen. The anko were very thankful as it helped with symptoms of the sickness dramatically. The anko were great at making liquor and drinks and had a ton with them on their expedition and offered to trade it for more herbs.

The relationship becomes mutual and rayman comes back with a squad of his men to help bring herbs to them. And they bring back loads of liqour back to the forests and enjoy themselves. The anko start trading with rayman regularly. And a relationship is made.
The anko have to travel long ways to get to the continent that the forest resides in. They have to bring bring more ships and people to trade in larger bulk to make the trips worth it. Rayman agrees and continues trading with them. The onko never come near the actual town rayman is from and always trades at the beach where the onko arrive. Rayman explained the situation with the chief of the village and the chief really enjoyed the booz they agreed that sharing the herbs was a good thing to do but to make sure to not let them find out where they live. As theyre town has many riches. And are wealthy.

More lore on the dad his name Raymen and he was always care free and also competitive he had good instincts asw as a good fighter/hunter he was very loved in his home town.

Im making an mmo rpg that plays like an anime so fast paced combat with a power system honestly something similar to ao but with my own spin on it.