Can we ban dukeofungriffia 😇

he keeps saying this meaningless phrase anytime a new user joins the forum. within the past half a month he said it 22 times and its bordering on spam at this point. so yeah can we ban @DukeOfUngriffia please please please please pleaaase :pleading_face:

obligatory vote to get duke banned:

  • i want this annoyance to get banned!
0 voters

Shut up


Opinion on Dudeman


The guy who also introduces freshies to the forums



Opinion on fartman1314

:skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull: 5 year old ahh

The best.

bro its a welcoming message
what is wrong with that?
why must you rid people of doing what they love?
its literally beneficial for the forums!

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it weirds out all the new people it aint welcoming at all


the way you phrase it doesnt make it seem that welcoming

The last thing I want to see when I first post on a forum about a game is someone trying to include me in their unrelated “quirky” cat person/mind control fixation.


it also applies to Duke, i agree, they shouldnt be making such jokes as its a terrible first impression
but they have good intentions!
i hope…

Ungriffia greets new forumers with a goofy phrase and is an active and respected member of the community
I don’t even know who you are


In conclusion: Shut the mouth.

you got that right at the least

i’m gonna twist ur nipples beo

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Says you who give them no greeting, usually. But I’d say that’s a good thing for them.

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Man’s always gotta be hating on something.
Beo, would some positivity kill you?