Can we get an F for weapon builds?

It’s official, weapon builds won’t be getting exclusive armor/accessories

i wonder why though

I mean, it makes sense. there aint gonna be an armor that would reasonably be for specifically weapon users, outside of things like scabbards

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weapon auras better be comparable to a 4th awakening

well fighting styles got robes, could do something weapony for weapons like a new sort of knight set or some armour with a plentitude of scabbards for different weapons on it

warriors (and warlords?) are already at a disadvantage not having leaps, auras, etc, I think they should be given an extra weapon slot or moves such as double jump or smth after awakening

as a warrior main. i honestly don’t care above exclusive armor/accessories. I just want more moves and weapons to be added. Sparrow thrust is just so mid and flying phoenix is alright. its slow but its got good aoe and has potential to deal high dmg.

The weapons that were added were just so garbage though. from what ive seen from magmurrs videos. all the atlantean weapons do more or less the same exact damage as boss drops and ravenna weapons. Poison tooth will does more damage in total than scald tooth, scald tooth will only out dps if u can land it very frequently. Atlantean mace slowness proc barely slows down the opponent, from what ive seen from the balancing docs for the weapon, its current slowness is 5%. The only “okay” atlatnean weapon is the greatsword because each projectile can proc and stack bleed, but its not enough.

quivers, gunpowder bags, etc

Warrior never eats well :confused:

the unreleased moves are exactly what warrior needs
why even go warrior when conjs and knights exist?
hell, they even released a patch some time ago that made all weapon qualities do the same damage
the catch is that higher quality weapons have access to more moves…but…the vast majority of moves arent in the game yet…so this change just benefits every hybrid weapon build except warriors

the only thing warriors got is vindicator and sunken staff, and even then, who knows if in the future they will become available to conjs/knights/warlords anyway via increased stat points

and on top of all that warrior has the most boring, mid awakening

the devs really hate warrior for whatever reason ig ¯_(ツ)_/¯

when we reach level 135 hybrids will get all 3rd skills, and we will probably have a level cap of above that once nimbus drops

knight is, tbh I cant argue MUCH against knight but its also a vitality build so that is the arguement against it. conj is heavily dependent on what imbue it has, whereas warrior is much much more well rounded

temp for until new wep affinites are added, which will come in the likely come in nimbus sea

or, have different affinites / quirks (like p.t dagger inflicting poison). this will soon be added back in the form of weapon affinites.

atlantean weps, triasta, siren bow, ravenna weps and soon new boss drops reaction:
assuming the level cap will be 150 next update, it isnt even enough to get the first wep skill for most if not all those weapons I just stated above even at max wep investment on hybrids.

live vitality reaction:
also, minor nitpick, its dev not devs but im gonna get nerd emojied for that.

nah i gotta disagree with you there. it might sound like im glazing. like im meat riding warrior and sucking it off furiously (and thats because i am). but its awakening is hands down the best (ok 2nd best) in the entire game. what is the awakening? +10% skill size, +7.5% weapon skill speed, +5% weapon skill damage. I know it might not seem like alot, but it fits into warriors way of playing which is to being able to adopt a certain playstyle in response to the situation you are dealt swiftly and effortlessly via simply changing your weapon loadout. The awakening is an extra edge for warrior users that allows them to try out different strategies but with better effectiveness.

actually im pretty sure every other stat build in the game is mid besides warrior. Conjurers have to imbue their magic into the weapon to get the most out of it, however depending on the magic, it can cause weaknesses such as damage drop, speed drop, aoe drop etc. Same thing with every other imbuement awakening in the game. The best imbues are something like fire, shadow, or basic combat. magics/fs that increase one or two stat affinities excessively while weakening other ones are mid but ones that provide boosts in every department are the best because they can be more flexible and still remain effective when adopting a different strategy.

LISTEN TO ME, All im saying is, you can’t spell warrior without a W.

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They can do 200+ dps what’s your point

Just can’t conceive a way to make a weapons armor unique like the others stat wise that makes sense and wouldn’t be overly complicated or unreasonable

Oddly in game it still just says +33% skill size

forgot to fit this in my original arguement, warrior has the most well rounded awakening since its just a flat stat up on everything. it gives the most versaltility. unlike conjs which can imbue,will have a benefit, but also have a downside.

I dont care too much about weapon builds not getting exclusive armour/accessories but it would have been cool for each build to have their own exclusive gear instead of 3/4 having it.

It’s weapon levels

do u think lightning conj is good hehehe