Can we please fix warm wind magics color?

So if you haven’t guessed by the title, warm wind magic to put it simply, looks awful.

Warm winds attacks look NOTHING like the symbol of the spell, and I really want this fixed.

You see, warm winds attacks appear as weird, beige colored things, that don’t look like the red color in the magic symbol, which for me a red wind would be way cooler than a lame, beige one.

So personally I believe that warm wind really just needs some more noticeable color, because now it looks more like this

Than how its supposed to look

wind magic shouldn’t even have variations, not because it’s unrealistic, but because of how ugly they look

Cold looks decent, neutral is well, neutral, but oh my god PLEASE FIX THE WARM VARIATION

Oh come on, cool wind looks pretty good

Cold wind is cool, looking and in temperature

I don’t know why but I have the feeling someone is going to make a pun here, I know it

Wasn’t really blown away by that statement, ngl

Time to invest into knockback stat some more then.

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