Can you change system's pfp

this a cool idea tho fr

wtf theres a wom reddit?

the discord is bullying the wrong people. there’s redditors which we should all bully

What if we didn’t bully people based on the social media they use?

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are you one of the redditors or somethin?

I used to be but I don’t use it anymore. I still think we shouldn’t bully people based on social media unless its 4chan.

there’s a precious hierarchy we must preserve. unless there’s a WoM board for 4chan, the redditors are at the bottom

Why must there be a hierarchy? When can we bring about social media anarchy?


after we overthrow the bourgeoise discorders, comrade. only then will us forum proletariats thrive.

The systems pfp is the small-logo of the website, not intended to be vetex’s pfp. This icon just shows up everywhere even if u install a PWA (App version of the forum), as it shows up as the app icon.

I liked the previous pfp
this pfp was pretty cool and humorous honestly but it’s upto you if you want to change it or not

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System should be banned off the forums for impersonating Vetex


Bumping this, since I still think it should be changed.
The old pfp probably had to go, but this new one is confusing.

What’s wrong with the images suggested? They’re still clearly AO/Vetex brand, they’d work fine as a small-logo.

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Couldn’t you just manually change system’s pfp by editing its preferences?


You may need to disable this setting first, but yeah that should be possible.

Done, you could of attempted it yourself. Admins should have the ability to impersonate accounts.

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System’s pfp is off-centre.
Could someone replace it with this:
(current one for comparison)

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this eases my brazilian eyes, because I’m from brazil

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