Can you give me an advice please?

I am a bit afraid to ask parents but there’s a situation:
My classmate, truth be told, hates me. What should I do, he to stop hate me (no, I won’t apologize, doesn’t work), me or even better be afraid from me?

Ignoring them usually works for me.

What to do if they ignore me also?

Thanks anyways, but will not work

Congratulations! Mission accomplished!

Mission was they to stop hate me or be afraid from me. They ignore and hate me.

Well my phone has low charge and I have to go sleep. Bye

Alright lets focus on this option since the other one is never going to work.

Look, if you still want to be friends with this person, then apologize. It’s hard, I know, but I’ve been through this type of thing before and apologizing is usually the only way out. Let them cool off a bit, and give it a shot.

If you don’t want to be friends with them, then ignoring each other is the best-case scenario.

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If you ignore him enough he might just stop caring.

Never really been in a situation like this, but I’m pretty sure the best way to deal with a situation similar, as it is your classmate, I’d recommend talking to a staff at your school, as they’d probably try to have the best possible outcome for you and this anonymous person.

I’ve been in a situation like this and they still stalk me to this day.

Just avoid them.

At school social media etc.

Don’t even look at them or talk to them.

You cant be friends with everyone, trust me. Just cut your losses and move on with life.


not everyone in this world is gonna like you and they dont have to like you either. you’ll see this a lot, people hate you.


it shouldn’t bother you that much, just ignore em. He’s not worth your time and energy

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Fake friends are still however worse trust me I’m still dealing with one.

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If they hate you, maybe try and find out why they hate you. You can confront them if you want or find out through other methods (be reasonable please). If you do find out the reason, try and find a way to fix it based on what you know.
You could try ignoring them, but since you are both classmates, you would probably be in close proximity with them for years.

What about my problem with a fake friend?

You did say some of it in one of your replies.

When that happens, confront them. If no change comes out of it, just unfriend them. It would be hard since you’ll be with them for probably years. Probably treat them as a normal classmate or the closest you can to that.
Don’t be excessive with how much you ignore them

They are also on the forums. They stalk me wherever I go.
It makes me stress and depressed.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
Their mom is basically a karen and she called me a brat for no reason.
She gave me detention.
The principal doesn’t even do anything.


Just tell them to leave you alone; tell them how they make you feel. Make them realise what they are doing. There is really nothing else I can say besides the basics since I have never experienced such a specific situation. Although, I could say look for other places for help.

If it’s something that you know you did wrong, then you should apologize. It is always better to admit your wrongs, even if they’ll still hate you afterwards. If it’s something out of the blue that they just hate you or requires for you to change yourself for them to like you, then that’s on them because they’re missing out. Some people just hate you and for some it’s more complex, just do whatever feels right for you and hang out with the people you know are and will be your true friends.

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