Candy Tier list (opinion)

Overrated af

Also side note looking at this list and damn. Yalls western snacks weak as hell huh :skull: I wouldnt put any of this shit above b

already knew that you are all those things, why tell me that now?

you seem to lack reading comprehension

the sentence did not contain an I or a me, meaning it was directed at you, you unbased child

joke bro

The word I or Me are simply just pixels on a quantum screen, you just see them however the words “I” and “me” are just terms created by humans, they hold no great significance on the internet, for all we know, you can be saying “big chungus” is funny in a different universe

ez arguement won, cry + mald + seeth + take the L + cry + cope

Why am I getting dejavu

ah, the classic “waa b-but diffrnet uvinerse” argument


ah, the modern “aaw b-but smae glaxy” compliment


shut up before i turn your liver into pure sugar

lmao that was genuinely funny

thanks bro

Peeps are not S tier.

Yeah, mb they are S++

*Pixy Stix
spelling error, boom, point invalidated

You on something.

your mother

where’s meth

too high on the tierlist to be visible


Honestly everything about it is amazing imo

haven’t tried a lot of these but fuck you reece’s peanut butter cups are great

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i wont tolerate opinions here