Cannon Ball Binding

Cannon Ball Binding
effort 4.333333333333333 3 quality 4.0 3 reasonability 1.75 4

Cannon and Mortar Binding

Make it so that instead of having to get multiple cannon balls to use cannons you instead bind 1-3 cannon balls in a cannon.

Effectively making cannon ball types an unlockable like feature

General concept:

cannons and mortars will have limits placed on them, let’s assume Heavy Cannons have three slot points.

Let’s also assume

Light cannon balls = 1 point

Normal cannon balls = 2 point

then you can bind both light cannon balls and normal cannon balls to a Regular Heavy cannon

(same applies to mortars)


-As of not the ship meta is entirely leaned on using Heavy Explosive Cannon balls, There should be some sort of drawback to only using Heavy Explosive Cannon balls or other very strong ball types

-This will force players to choose between versatility or raw damage, utility or coverage.

-Also a way to allow Cannon fist to not worry about a constant resupply of cannon balls, allowing them to effectively change the type by binding 3 preferred types of cannon balls or more

(maybe mastery affects the amount of cannon balls you can bind)

how and where

-cannon balls can be binded to Cannons by a shipwright.

-Shipwrights will also serve as the general way to get new types of cannons balls

-cannons by default will have their basic set of cannon balls binded and can be removed and changed

(for example Light cannons will by default have light cannon balls binded to them)

reference feature

-This is VERY similar to the current weapon skills concept which is what inspired me to make this.

Additional features

-Unlocking rare cannons ball types by doing quests?

-Unlocking seasonal decorative cannon balls types with unique visual effects?

-Unlocking unique cannon balls types by defeating boss ships? (planned feature add-on)

This was originally my Application suggestion, Thought many wouldn’t like it but i feel like this would help if added to the game in the long run

I don’t really like this, it would make it unnecessarily complex. What’s the deal with using only heavy exploding shells?


because it has no variations, and it’s been the ship meta for over a year with many cannon balls just being inventory bloat

Topics to balance ship pvp are already being discussed in balance team, i just decided to find alternative solutions that they can’t solve with pure number changes

i dont get it

I don’t necessarily think doing a complete overhaul of the cannon ball system is the right way to do it but you do you

Its the same idea as what vetex did for bows and guns man, this makes it easier for casual players and cannon fist users to play the game

This usualy affects pvp players and it’s meta on ship sinking

i would give this one star if i knew how to :rage::rage::rage:

when you reply to the post it says effort quality and reasonability on top

click the box next to it and then it lets you rate the suggestion


thank you sir :pray:

System ain’t saving this

nothing’s wrong with the suggestion, people don’t like the idea of any sort of limitations being placed.

i think it’s fine, i’ll like to see how it plays out, but what happens to the canon balls we have now?

They get wiped, and just work like how you bind skills to weapons.

actually ig “replaced” is the better word

its basically to add more playstyles to ships itself while making it so that cannon balls arent a hassle and are accessible to all players including cannon fist users

whats cool would be cannon pellets, does little damage but pierces sails, causing ships to slow down and turning to be harder, can be fixed by shipbuilder’s maintenance

edit: oh shit i realize how bad that sounds, imagine Atlantean ships with that.
(btw i dont mind if you use them as suggestions)

Isn’t the price or rarity of heavy exploding shells already a drawback and limitation on them? They would be even more powerful if you just needed a few of them for infinite shots.

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