Can't find exit button




what magic is that

it’s always the donators :unamused:

its the final boss

me when I’m battling the embodiment of going outside on mimhere island with my sussy imposter magic and my super mutant evolved acid death magic and then I beat the boss to unlock the true ending where my character lies on the floor dying and I say “this has truly been an arcane odyssey”

truly one of the battles of all time

and then I’m saved by iris and my son (iris is my wife from the pregnancy arc) and then we leave and then discover that while I was gone OLEG had been using his pee curse to terrorize the warseas which then causes the events of the Arcane odyssey DLC

(you either get lady carina or iris as your wife in the game later in the story depending on decisions made by you, the player)

source: ur mom

both of them are m-m-MID!!! :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

i wanna marry MORDEN!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Morden gets married to ronald mcdonald in the 4th sea (prolineglutamatevalinelysine sea)

I was in that same server today :skull:

That’s the owner of The Silent Order. They had explosion magic and they acted all edgy. In all my days of playing WoM I have never met someone with that many hours. At this point it’s just sad to see people that spend so much time on this game

Add gay option

Ain’t that the alt farming guild

They were like #4 on the leaderboard last time I checked :skull:

You met one of the four five six seven eight nine ten eleven Suncry masters of no life on WoM

yooo aint this the dude that failed school twice cuz of WoM pvp :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


ye he did :sob:
he should be 20 rn too, maybe 21