Can't load in 70% of the time, help

70% of the time I join a server it just puts me on the grey loading screen and never loads me in, It’s taking so much time that I’d rather leave and retry so no one combat tags me

Does anyone else have this issue and or know how to fix it?

Skill issue

(I dont know)

;-; sadness

I’m starting to notice that it’s DE servers I can’t really log into

this is actually a problem i’ve been facing too. very annoying and i just server hop

It might be very specific servers, sometimes if you even try to rejoin you’d end up back into the same server if that’s what’s going on thus causing you to keep joining that server, I’m unsure. Maybe if you try to join maybe a friend in AO you could get out of such server and have a normal functioning server

Or, the game has to take time for it to fully load it. Load up on a file with absolutely nothing on it or something which you wouldn’t care enough to get ganked on and then wait there to see if you’d load in since you did say “it’d take to much time that I’d rather leave and retry”, see if you can do it for slightly longer

Or you pressed the skip button when trying to load into the files place which affects the gameplay if you skipped it

If non of these work then it’s possible that it could be a bug only too you or whatever. You know those bugs that really only affect yourself but nobody else? or like Cryo said IDK and probably just a skill issue

It does it every time I’m connecting on a French server
Which is an issue since I’m French, so Roblox would often try to get me in a French server

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