Cargo run

The screenshot just looked funny as hell so i decided to draw it… Realizing now that I need to work on environment art skills more GUHHHHHH (ignore the skewed perspective)

in other words, exams are over and I can finally draw all day long! :3


that one crate looks like it’s trying to intimidate her


i was the target of some random light conjurer who did like 90 damage when i was trying to do cargo
so i just sailed to sailors instead of ravenna :D


I started ganking a bit recently, but I’ll always protect anyone cargo running regardless of bounty

Like yesterday night, I protected an AS member helping newbies cargo run from 2 Mages trying to gank them. Safe to say they couldn’t do shit against me (Warrior)

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ironically the character in this art is my light paladin that does even less damage at full charge! (around 87 damage for blast)


That’s the face of a bastard thief, give my shit back you asshole


“1 week being in Syndicate and I already hit this absolutely diabolical lick”



fame is fame :man_shrugging:

Who the heck does cargo?



You have ungodly amounts of time :skull:

Dear lord

Also did you just collected all that cargo just to reply to my comment

no i just do cargo runs like this with my friends every once in a while (usually when someone needs to speedrun the storyline)

“40 minutes of putting boxes in place is fun guys i swear you don’t need a less tedious way to do it”

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The assassin was doing some cargo runs but little did she know the criminals doing cargo runs do barely get profit.

You get more money from hunting npcs

cargo running

In any situation, Jade looks super adorable even when she’s hella scared that she’s gonna get attacked/ganked by some Warrior, Conjurer, or Mage bozo :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’d gladly protect her regardless of my files’ Renown :wink: