Challenge Accepted


The pacifist challenge was proposed by @twoleggedabomination a few days ago. I am here to formally accept this challenge. Along with not killing NPCs, however, I’ve decided to include two other rules.

  1. I may not join a team or seek out anyone to help me with quests
  2. I may not kill players.

So with those two rules and my inability to kill NPCs I now will take on this task. Wish me luck. I could probably get it done in a few days if not a week if I get lazy.

make sure not to fish either (fishing kills the fish)

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Have fun not dying from boredom
you are a good lad

Hey, you got in fights! That isn’t pacifist.


You got fight in undertale but still manage to get pacifist

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People fought me, I did not aggro them.

Fair enough.


Couldn’t you attack an npc, not kill, let ur friend kill it, and get xp?

that’s not pacifist tho

I said I won’t get anyone to help me out, plus, I also forgot to mention some other stuff I added (like how I’m also going to beat the story quests and I’m not going to damage any NPCs).

Aggro bandits, lead to nearby magic council, have fun.

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or let them drown in the ocean, which is hella annoying because they do not like to fall to their deaths. Swear to God it takes so long.

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And it’s always an accident because we are pacifists. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tides are rough

Good luck.

im daring you to something
if you lose
you have to listen to this

but why tho man