Change Magic Sounds as the User's Level Increases

So this is a bit of a small suggestion, but I think the sounds a person’s Magic makes should be changed as the user’s level increases. For example, a wind user’s wind magic would make light breeze sounds at level 1, and powerful tornado-like sounds at level 1000.


  1. Adding this would give the player a better sense of their growing power as they level up through the game, and it would be generally awesome. It’d give that sense of being powerful that having like 10 different magic circles on your blast attack gave you from AA.

  2. (actual reason) I really want to sound like Verdies, my plasma is too high-pitched.

i’d say it should change based on size.
because im imagining a really small wind blast sounding like a hurricane.

but yes nice idea.
it just might be troublesome to create sounds for every magic

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You wind attacks wouldn’t be able to be small at level 1000 that’s the thing

glass be like


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Level 1 Wind user: fwoooooosh
Level 1000 Wind user: elevator music intensifies

funny arcane reference

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