Change The Character Model Type To Be Constant

Change The Character Model Type To Be Constant
effort 2.0 1 quality 1.0 1 reasonability 2.4 5

Change the player’s character model in a way that is consistent with fingers.
(Preferably make all armors not have fingers)

Currently, if you take a look at player, they don’t have fingers as seen with this image:

However, if you were to equip certain armors, they would appear to have fingers like in this:

This has really been bugging me a lot with the inconsistencies in the character model.
Hence, it would be nice if there was consistency.

For gods sake NO

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i don’t think it’s that simple

Why not?
or you could just make the leather armor not have fingers

That would look weird…

every character package with fingers look really weird

would look weird as shit

or just make all the armors not have fingers

that could work as well

did vetex make the armours? i thought they were just taken from somewhere

the armors were taken from the roblox catalog I believe

Ultimately, what I’m aiming for is consistency.
Personally, I prefer the characters to have fingers but it’s fine if they don’t.

i really don’t fingers, if they were removed i would actually wear armor

The fingers look unsettling

I feel like everybody saying no missed this tiny little detail.
Yes please

Its a good idea if executed correctly but would require so much work and might not look good on some armours

i mean it’d be cool…

but it’d require a whole lot of remeshing of the original roblox meshes.

aaand retexturing, unless its fixed to specifically…

Nah : )

honestly im not unwelcome to this idea
id be happy if it was optional, but that’s already alot of work

(i want to wear leather armor without being grossed out)

I’m pretty sure it’s because most of the armors vet uses are from the roblox catalogue, so some have fingers while others don’t. It would probably take more effort than it’s worth to modify almost every armor piece to have the cannonically correct amount of fingers