Change the level of everybody to 1 when AO gets released

fuck fuck fuck abort abort abo-

I get the point, but it’s a bad idea
Players joining the game, and seeing themselves as level 1 would really annoy them
They would have to redo all their magic moves, get new low level armour, and farm.
This would turn a lot of players away as it’s just an annoyance, I think it’s an alright idea, but I don’t think it’ll work out.

Tbh, I’d just make a new file entirely if I wanted this (and then trade stuff over)

Read the edit

i feel like a pop up going “hey there you wanna go back to lvl 1?!” would be really pointless.

i would probably just laugh awhile and go “uh… haha…no?” if i saw it.

going back to what some other people said, if people really want to experience the game from the start they can just start a new file.

I think a possible alternative if something like this was being considered would possibly be scaling levels to require more xp considering the fact that the maxed planned level was reduced from 5k to 1k. This would in turn reduce everyone who is currently at lvl 90 down to something like lvl 60-50 just for an example due to the xp scaling and a lvl 50 would get scaled down to like a lvl 20.

I assume this would be possible if player level data is actually stored as an xp amount which it probably is. This probably won’t be considered though because we haven’t heard anything about that, it could still be a possibility though.

maybe it could come as a message, with a brief explanation as to why you might want to

(in the inbox i mean)

Looks better, but also seems pointless, I doubt vetex will add this, but it’s a nice idea that I think most people would be fine with

instead of it being:
“Do you want to go back to level 1?”

  1. Yes
  2. No

i dont think people want a message like that, like of course no one is going to want to go back to level 1, at least not this way.

i suppose i could see it as a SUGGESTION rather than an a and b choice

something along the lines of this (more better tho):


hello! we are here to inform you about …blablablablablabla
…and because of these changes, the game is more diverse, so we also …blabalabla… and now there is more story to the game…blablbalabla… we are offering the choice to go all the way back to level 1 (still sounds SO weird) so that you can experience the storyline better! you do not HAVE to do this, but we just want to let you know that you have that option.



Again though at this point putting in a fancy message just to let people know that they can start at level 1 is kind of dumb imo as they could literally just start a new file. idk i guess it really depends tho.

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yeah thats what i meant

I think players should be given an option, either they can reset to level one and keep their current items they just can’t use them until they get back to their level, or continue playing and miss most stuff, or you can have it where you can’t level up until level 90 in the storyline

Thats fine :slight_smile:

best hair lmao

you could just do the quests, just with a higher level, nothing to stop you…

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i think we are all going start from beginning by doing quest from low to high levels

I believe I have a slightly better idea:
Option to reset your level at any time if you so feel like it, inventory and all visual stats stay the same, you’re just level 1 now, have fun.

I mean, there’s not really a reason to not have the option to.

But I heavily disagree with forcing it on people, even though that’s not the main idea of the suggestion anymore.

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But what if-
The game asked you if you wanted to reset your level and nothing else.
and then presented a yes/no option.
Chad Players who don’t care much about progress would pick yes,
Discord and Wiki Members and constantly bullied SunCry and Noble Members would pick no

It’s by choice, and everyone’s happy.

Actually, he’s an alternate suggestion. A prompt pops up when pressing play on the game, asking you the following “Do you wish to begin from level 1? You will not lose any of your stats, progress or gear, but your levels will be reset.” This prompt would only be there for existing characters that were created before TGR.

Might want to add this to your suggestion.

Shit I didn’t see your comment lol gg

If you had actually read the edit that I had added ages ago then you would see that I had already added that