Changes for Clans to Make them More Accessible

Changes for Clans to Make them More Accessible
effort 4.0 5 quality 4.2 5 reasonability 4.5 6


As it currently stands, clans are an absolute mess.
They’ve been around for a very very long time, but only recently have they gained any tangible gameplay benefit.

This has led many players who want absolutely nothing to do with the competitive side of the game to create clans with the goal of reaching those bonuses and going no further.
Unfortunately, the game doesn’t quite let you do that.
This suggestion aims to fix that.


Treasury Upgrades:

Your clan treasury is no longer limited or upgraded by your rank (pre-existing clans not included), you can now upgrade your treasury with a large number of galleons within it all the way up to the current maximum for several million galleons total.

Infamy Freezing:

A semi-permanent (if not completely permanent) action that can be taken by a clan’s leader for a heavy price.

Freezing your infamy would do a small number of very big things:
1: Your clan is immediately disqualified from the clan leaderboard.
2: You lose the ability to gain or lose infamy.
3: Other players become unable to take infamy from you.
4: All clan rank cosmetics remain frozen exactly as they are.
5: Your clan members are no longer automatically placed in clan servers.

Unlike the prior change, this serves the sole purpose of vanity, allowing players to preserve clan-rank-based cosmetics such as their colored ship names and color in their clan description.

Tl;Dr : Splitting the competitive and non-competitive sides of clans while also giving clans with a noteworthy amount of infamy the option to opt out of the leaderboard race when they’re satisfied where they are.


(3 char)

A needed change that probably should’ve come with the Empires update.

i don’t care about clans in this game or the pvp player retention crap, and i don’t think vetex should either, but these are decent ideas

You know, I think this already exists (up to a max of 60)

Pretty fire for some pve clans not gonna lie.

I thought it was linked to clan rank.
My mistake, I misread the wiki.

Not even gonna lie I get your point but I don’t want to get your point. :sob:

i love you

yay finally PvE clans

Finally, clan building becomes accessible even for those who “aren’t super into PVP”

I think my one criticism of this suggestion is that it doesn’t come with any way to distinguish frozen and unfrozen clans.

Maybe have indicators on the map when you mouse over claimed islands and a hint that appears when you start claiming a frozen one telling you you won’t get infamy?