Changes to combat logging and renown loss

Changes to combat logging and renown loss
effort 3.833333333333333 6 quality 3.333333333333333 6 reasonability 3.166666666666667 6


Change some things that make combat logging and renown overall unbearable and more damage than good.

Details/background on your proposal

  1. Reduce the combat logging penalty. For 200k bounty, I lost 14k because of a combat log. Remember that combat logs are not just players who leave mid-fight, but also players who leave after escaping a fight but still had the icon, players who crashed or players who left too soon after killing the enemy. This just isn’t fair towards them.
  2. Sharks should actually become official enemies. Now, if one kills you, it just says “[name] has died”, as if you dropped dead. This especially sucks if you’re being chased by notoriety forces, or are being bounty hunted. I lost 4k bounty when some grand navy forces hit me and then five minutes later after even their combat icon disappeared I was killed by a shark and somehow ended up imprisoned. This is nonsensical because you were eaten by a shark, damn it, how did you end up in a navy cell.
  3. Combat logging doesn’t happen if the enemy is killed or has love applied. And I mean it, the cutlass icon should disappear instantly. It literally doesn’t make sense that you combat logged because you shot some whale dead then left seconds later. That is what I did last summer, I hunted down a whale, killed it without even taking any damage myself, then left after that and ended up combat logging. Love effect is supposed to make enemies not be able to hurt you, and is also used in PvP a lot. Waiting for the combat logging icon to disappear only extends the inevitable, the attacked player leaving, so just make it go away if the enemy is hit with love.
  4. Remove combat logging for hitting fodder enemies and leaving or crashing afterwards. It makes no sense that a player should be treated as if they were bounty hunted by a player when all they did was hit a Ravenna ensign. Enemies that are more than 70 levels beneath the player’s level should be treated as fodder and lead to no renown loss upon leaving in combat with them. This does not occour with players or heroes and villains that the player is hunting. This means that combat logging remains if you leave mid-fight against a lvl 20 criminal as a level 90+ if you had their poster.
  5. Reduce combat logging punishment for the attacked players. Attacked players are those who were hit first by another enemy. There are currently many toxic players just waiting to jump on other people and it’s killing the game. The punishment should still stay, but not be nearly as harsh. On the other hand, if the player who attacked first leaves the game, they should get the full punishment. This system does not apply to rubble, clouds and puddles that damage the player, as it would once again make it easy for toxic players to abuse. If the attacked player was being hunted, the attacker should still get the reward.

combat logging in PvE should just be removed entirely.
its stupid and pointless.
it does literally nothing for anybody’s benefit and doesn’t help in the game in any way shape or form. If anything, it is actively detrimental.
(much like a couple other mechanics)


I agree as a professional pve, like, it’S pointless to have combat log against npcs. It’s really not like you’re fighting an actual player!

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I did not say that NPC combat logging should be completely removed as I think that the player should still be forced to think their options through and make smart decisions, it would kinda kill that factor if the players could just YOLO it with very strong NPCs and just leave the game scot-free despite their bad decisions.
However, I do think that the amount of renown lost is quite unfair, as it takes me at least half an hour to get back the renown I lost due to crashing as I don’t PvP, instead it should be a minor setback to punish the player for their bad decisions.

First one seems unnecessary since losing 14k bounty while you have 200k seems fair. But note that I’ve never intentionally logged to escape combat nor had enough renown to attract gankers.

Second one makes sense if you aren’t currently combat tagged to avoid people intentionally killing themselves to sharks to avoid punishment from deaths (such as prison).

Third and fourth one are pretty valid, especailly the fourth. There should be separate combat tags for pvp and pve, and the pve combat tag should have far lower punishment if you are above the galleon loss threshhold (none if you are below).

Fifth one sounds okay at first, but for duels it would mean one of the players is randomly chosen to receive less punishment on combat log. Not sure how you would detect that given the amount of scenarios and stakes a duel can have.

I’ve gotten like 3 penalties when my computer had wifi issues when I tried to fight Carina and it disconnected me out of nowhere.

Punishing players for something that, in most cases, is almost entirely out of their control, is stupid. There is no second way to it.
I’d say no less than 90% of all PvE combat logs are the result of players disconnecting or the game bugging out.
There is never any reason to want to combat log on an NPC.

Every single NPC is super easy to run away from.
Even in the far reaches of the dark sea with the massively speed buffed atlanteans with ridiculously overpowered builds, you can run away with ease.

Death in a video game (especially an RPG like this and ESPECIALLY in PvE content) does not need to have ‘meaning’ or punishment.
The goal should be to let the players have fun, not to make dying a tedious annoying slog for literally nobody’s benefit.

I feel like I’ve made this argument against player jailtime before too.

vetex doesn’t want pve and pvp tags for some reason

and it is not the first nor the last time vetex will have a bad idea.
he’s human like any one of us.

  • losing 14k bounty when I had 200k due to a crash
    I wouldn’t have combat logged if I had the chance, I tried to escape by water since I can swim very fast, but I crashed just as I entered the water. 14k bounty is about another thirty minutes of grinding for me who doesn’t hunt players. It wasn’t a hunt either, the dude just hit me and broke my cuffs.

they tracked down the shark/the shark was tamed

I prefer to think that the big head in the office decided they must capture the shark, then waited for it to finally shit you out, then dug through it to find you and put you in a cell

This makes sense but 3 and 5 might be considered a bit too PvP related

3 is because there is literally no point in keeping the combat logging if any of the players use love potion on the other person. What does vetex expect, that the other person just wants those 2 minutes of peace? If the player gave the other person love effect, then combat logging just slows them down. It lasts too short to actually prevent the player from leaving while love is active, but is also too long for no reason. I can’t really explain this better. The fight is basically over the moment love is landed, there is reason to keep the player that will leave the game anyways any longer.
As for 5, that is mainly for ganking. It can seriously be a pain when you just finish some ship grinding or dark sea expedition, then get jumped by a sweat, or two, or three. If you leave the game, you lose all your stuff. If you stay, you still lose it. It’s literally rewarding toxic behavior. So if the players are allowed to leave, though with a slight punishment, but so that leaving doesnt make three dudes come to your house, knock you out and next thing you know vetex stole your kidney. It is a punishment, but an option if the player doesnt want to lose all progress.

people can just follow you around unti the love effect wears off tbh

Not if you leave

Sadly there’s no way to detect whether someone left the game via their own volition or accidentally. The first change, while it would help players who accidentally combat log, would also remove a discouragement to leave during combat which is bad so I disagree with it.

I don’t think it should be outright removed, but I think it should be way less punishing, maybe 7-8k for 200k maximum.
Otherwise it’s literally “Oh, you have a bad PC/laptop? Here, get f’cked.”.

  1. people will just combat log when attacked cause theyll lose less renown than dying
  2. people will die to sharks intentionally to escape hunts
  3. people will use love potions on their teammates to avoid combat logging
  4. separated combat tags have been denied by vetex
  5. people will just combat log when attacked cause theyll lose less renown than dying

least out of touch forum combat suggestion :skull:

2 for effort and quality is crazy :skull:

  1. If you’re telling me it’s completely fair to lose 10% of your work to fighting a whale, I say you need a reality check. While I agree it should stay for bounty hunting, there is absolutely no reason that a whale or a shark should make you lose 30k fame. If a player is hunted by another player, it’s alright to leave a punishment, but would you be overjoyed if you lost 3 hours of work to a toxic random?
  2. I’m not talking about letting a White Eyes eat you so you don’t lose renown. I am talking about how stupid it is that, even when the game admits you’re no in combat with anyone, if a shark kills you, it’s attributed to whatever hit you last in a what seems to be a pretty big time frame. If I was hit by a hunter 5 minutes ago, then had no issues after, what sense does it make that a random fish gives them the kill?
  3. No they wouldn’t, if you had just a glassof common sense, you’d understand that the love effect must be applied TO THE PERSON YOU’RE FIGHTING. Giving love effect to your teammates will do literally nothing for the combat log. But in actual fights, the 30 seconds of combat log that remains after neither player can damage the other one are literally just a forced stay.
  4. Then NPC combat logging should be removed entirely, the system is so stupid the game would be better off without it. My point still stands. Ravenna ensigns and marines are not at all a mob any max level player would see as a threat, so there is no actual reason to keep the combat logging for them except to f’ck over laggy players. If we can’t have certain enemies not have a combat log, then none should have it.
  5. As I mentioned under 1., this is mainly to keep people safe from gankers and toxic randoms. The point is literally to let them not lose a ton of renown just because some fatherless child decided to try and cope again. Again, if the player is bounty hunting you, then alright, you should get punished for trying to escape like that, but people want to keep their money and hard work.
    The more I read your comments, the more I think that you are either unable to read and think about what you read, or are literally one of the reasons such changes should be made a.k.a. a sweaty, toxic player who lives to ruin someone’s progress.