Character chart meme thingamajigs but it's with your ocs

I absolutely love these type of images I need to consume more and I’m going to use you guys to do that

Everyone staying in the same house
  • Decent human being
  • Blasting music at god forsaken o’ clock
  • Trashing the walls
  • Theft
  • Locking people in the bathroom
  • The people getting locked in the bathroom in question
  • Will probably burn the house down
  • Evil plumber be like
0 voters

[poll name=poll2 type=multiple results=always min=1 max=8 public=true chartType=bar]

On a roadtrip
  • Music privileges revoked
  • Going to commit murder
  • Strapped to the roof
  • He who protects the snacks
  • Eepy
  • Sentenced the gas station
  • Sentenced the sentenced to the gas station to the gas station
  • “Are we there yet?”
0 voters

Eating an Oreo
  • Eats it like a normal cookie
  • Eat in one bite
  • Get dunked idiot
  • Eats the icing and then the cookie
  • Specifically eats the icing
  • Specifically eats the cookies
  • Abomination
  • Get dunked idiot (orange juice addition)
  • Ice cream flavor
0 voters

Feel free to add additional context for your choices or other chart things

Oscar is my OC who I’ve never really talked about, but he was my interpretation of Loki (specifically, Norse, basically a self-insert in appearance but a big “I’m going to rock your shit” with the chaos) so he’d do any of these, but the oreo and orange? Tracks too much for me to do.

Add a scoop of oreo flavoured ice cream to a soft drink mixture of many flavours and then dip the icing and cookie in individually

julian moment (No not general Julian…)

Tooth decay in a cup


maybe I will return to this


how do you get locked in a bathroom, just unlock it


I have returned with another chart thingamajig

Would you eat pretty leaves
  • Yes
  • Already has
  • If you ask
  • C R U N C H
  • Fork
  • Half
  • I need the lore first
  • Enjoy the pretty
  • I prefer rocks
  • No jaw?
  • Sorry, what?
  • Knows better than to answer to the ramblings of a madman
0 voters