Character comparison: King David Silver vs King Calvus IV

Two kings known as King David Silver from Wom and King Calvus IV from Ao, I want to know what you all think who would win if King David Silver and King Calvus IV fought each other and who would win. Lemme me know what you all think.

I personally think David would win because he most likely will be motivated to fight calvus because calvus is strong and David wanted to fight someone that is strong, beside David has a accuracy of a aimbot and his beam can do about 500 to 600 dmg including fire dmg. David could literal predict every movement basically and hit most of the time

King David Silver. Silver has beams that deal 500 damage. Additionally I believe he has the fly spell. His aim is crack if your not hiding behind a pillar. His blasts deal even more damage. Not to mention the fire DoT.

Even if Calvus is dodging, he stops at all and he will get sniped. Sure he could block or parry but Technically Silver should be able to as well since he is in AO in this situation. But even without that, Silver would kill Calvus.

what i was thinking, and lets remember, the WoM npc bassically have aimbot, so not even using that tp move can save calvus

Hmmm good thinking, Silver is basically kai but fire mage, silver can do 400-600 dmg including fire dmg

Additionally Silver determines his health based on level. If we calculated with AO’s health he would have 499 bonus hit points and have a hp max of 3593

Nice :+1:

Kai is hard, Merlot is hard. I do not want to fight a lvl 500 mage who shoots ultimate art fire beams and might have a secret other magic that we have no idea about.

In Game wise, if Calvus manages to spam his 500 nuke constantly, then he can prob win because ngl David’s AI wasn’t the best, can’t dash, and only has 3k health iirc. If David can consistently hit his 500 blasts, then he can prob win

Lore wise, I’d say David, he seems way more powerful than Calvus even with his Apoc Bringer inheritance

he needs to charge his 500 damage nuke. if he gets hit he sets it off. He pauses and would likely get hit by calvus while charging so it would never finish.

David Curb Stomps. Sure Calvus can perform his 500 damage nuke but his fire DOT would cancel it out before it even happens. Not to mention David’s 500+ damage magic attacks.

I’m not really sure game-wise but isn’t King David a whittled down mage? I’m pretty sure It was stated that WoM mages/wizards were 50% weaker than the previous mages of the AA/AO generation because of their weak magical environment/pollution.

If we go by this logic King David’s stats are heavily nerfed by 50% meaning in AO he’d be level 250 and would deal much lower damage compared to WoM, so King Calvus would win probably high diff despite his botched up Savant build. (Also not really sure about King David having an awakening, he doesn’t use a 2nd magic so I am assuming he does not have access to passive energy regeneration)

EDIT: He also doesn’t seem to have any gears unlike King Calvus so there’s that.

Average mage vs strongest savant
(David still no diffs)

While it is true that the mages from WoM are weaker compared to AA/AO (probably from that one magic gene weakening every generation- but idk if that’s still cannon), you are missing a few details.
Firstly, WoM’s magic circles are much more advanced and complicated than those in AO, resulting in much higher damaging attacks.
Secondly, David is wearing a cape, which increases his agility a bit. You need this higher agility to more reliably dodge calvus’ nuke attack and some of the ground slam attacks.

david solos calvus easily

I still personally believe that King Calvus would win against King David, I don’t think King David has fought anyone equal to his level and since he is a king and not a travelling studious person like King Calvus was and probably focuses more on the prosperity of his kingdom rather than power.

He also looks like the type of mage to be over reliant on the hover spell, reducing his agility capabilities compared to King Calvus’ Savant Combos (It usually goes like Big Aether Blast → Multi Spear Shaped Blasts → Crash onto enemy → and finally Smash skill and maybe followed up by Trident Grab as a finishing move, yes this happens in-game)

Despite his weak feats King Calvus is decently an agile Savant and would probably overwhelm King David despite his big damage, not to mention that combo deals about 600-800 damage if you don’t dodge all of them and if King David is just a bit slow he’ll also be obliterated by King Calvus’ pillar explosions.

EDIT: Actually he has a decent feat for his agility, he instantly blitzed through Neviro and knocked him down and MC couldn’t react in time.

David is level 500

i would say Calvus is around lv 400 at most ( sure he a savant with lost magic, but he might be a special case similar to Iris and managed to learn it sooner, plus, he isnt very good at it since as Vet said, hes obssessed with earning new powers rather than perfecting them

now, Tech did say that since magic power gets weaker overtime ( at least in the old lore aka when Magius was still a thing ), lv500 in WoM only equal to around 250 in AA/AO time

i would say they are roughly equal, Calvus might be able to win if he can consistently outspeed David and David would win if he can hit his shots

in short
Damage: David > Calvus ( lets ignore the 500 pillar thing since its a one time attack, plus, very counterable especially for someone like David )

Defense: I would say somewhat equal ( assuming Calvus is a 3 stats savant aka no point in vitality ), tho Calvus might be more durable due to his armor

Speed: Calvus > David

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