ChatGPT tells you how to play Arcane Odyssey

So you want to know the most effective ways to do anything and everything in Arcane Odyssey? Then you came to the right place. Using ChatGPT, I have found out the best methods of doing literally anything. Whatever you see here is 100% truthful, as the AI knows best.

(give me ideas)

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Can you try ask ChatGPT “Can you tell me what Arcane Odyssey is?” or similar to that?

I once asking if ChatGPT know Deepwoken, and funny enough the AI say the game is made by Square Enix


i got u

Interesting… the AI got it right this time.

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also this

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how did this even work? doesnt chatgpt have a knowledge cut off after september 2021??

Ao had information on it in 2021
You can also give it information

I made chatgpt think that everyone in the world swapped the numbers 2 and 3, therefore when I asked it what is 1+1 he said 3.

the wizard

Make an Arcane Odyssey x Kirby crossover where kirby enters AO as the mc and goes through the storyline

Kirby just beats everyone up.

Eats durza

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Kirby eats morden and solos everyone with the death curse

Kirby is already a god

WOW what a professional website!

ask GPT to 1v1 you in arcane odyssey

it’s not so good with making specific strategies lol

and then… this happened:

love how it got fairly close with Magic and then just decided to combine Strength and Weapons for the “Strength” stat lol

you heard chatgpt, these are the msot overpowered builds in ao

In all fairness, it doesn’t seem to know spirit weapons currently work like spirit weapons in real life—that is to say they’re nonexistent.

It seems to know next to nothing about the bosses lol