Christmass gift, take a free arcsphere

Merry Christmas guys, first of all, huge credit to @Bio since he came with this idea, now to the main thing, reply here (and specify) that u want a arcsphere, ya, that all, a normal arcspheres, as a Christmas present

My big event update

So far everything is going well, i have been farming bosses left and right, the event is gonna be twice as big as the last one, meaning that instead of 5 sets is gonna be 10 sets, and just like the last one, everything in plus goes into the event as well, here are some bosses i finished


currently im working on this hyperactive kid on cocaine with block hacks

there are some left overs from argos so hopefully he will be done pretty fast

im also including the dark sea/deckhand update items and soon armor as well


the new scrolls are here as well + kai refuses to block/parry so i can kill him very fast


also ya, the warrior sunken is in as well

ik that some people wanted to donate items for the event, well now u can, ofc i will give u full credit and i will tell the items u donated

archspheres remained: 49


also @opticalcord u were wondering why i need 10 sets from every arcsphere, read the hidden stuff

Merry Christmas :), May I get an archsphere?

sure, but in a bit, rn im in a decaying winter run

eh nvm, are u in a server rn?


Oh thank you very much, didn’t see the message

Merry christmas man :slight_smile:

thx u too

hello i want archsphere pls

merry christmas to you too

ofc, are u in a server?

no, not right now

is check clock 16 hours 17 minutes from now okay

give me 2 powerful

also i’d like an arcsphere, preferably a variant i dont have yet

that not on the list

Wow a cool event, I’m definitely joining, or at least will try to cuz of timezone hell.
I’ll donate a cherry wood arcsphere(need to convert from one of my neutrals first)
And I want an arcsphere too.

Let’s exchange presents.
(I’ll only be at my PC after 8 hours TwT)

Here we go again :3

if i donate an arcsphere can i have a kai sabre

Surprise me with a random normal arcsphere please :D!

I have some sandy arcspheres to donate to the collection when you’re next online
(Sandy is misspelled btw)

sorry but donations are for the main event, last time when i did it a lot of people wanted to donate, but u can still get the arcsphere

may i have one please

yes are u in a server?