This is a relatively short one.
The Dark Sea Compass! Our precious lifeline in the Dark Seas. Where would we be without it? While I could leave that as a rhetorical question, I think it would be significantly funnier if we found out for ourselves.
There are 2 important circumstances to consider: Being in the Bronze Sea (or any non-Dark Sea area), and being far enough in the Dark Sea.
- In the Bronze Sea, I think it would be best for the Dark Sea Compass to disappear. We only need it in the Dark Sea.
- The Dark Sea is when things get interesting. At a high enough tier, one of 3 things can happen to the Dark Sea Compass as part of the increasingly intense insanity effects.
- The Dark Sea Compass straight up disappears
- Off the top of my head, Dark Sea Zones 4-6 seem to be the best match for this effect.
- The Dark Sea Compass starts spinning, like how the regular compass spins, before returning to normal.
- This could happen in zones 3-5. Not zone 2 (insanity 1), since it wouldn’t make sense to make the dark sea compass as susceptible to insanity effects as the regular compass.
- The Dark Sea Compass flips.
- This last one might be genuinely disorienting, so I don’t recommend it as strongly as the other 2 effects. Relegate it to the outer edge of the Dark Sea if you are to put it in, since that’s the highest risk zone anyway.
- The Dark Sea Compass straight up disappears
Right now, the compass is a bit cluttered. Especially when you’re not in the Dark Sea, when the dark sea compass isn’t necessary. That’s not much, but it’s the only real “problem” associated with not having the feature. The main focus is to make the Dark Sea more harrowing by temporarily making the Dark Sea Compass unreliable. That’s an important distinction to make, since players have access to the Dark Sea Compass for a reason, and shouldn’t be locked out of using it for too long.