Clan building is so hype

its not just the clan building but the competition that comes with it many battles will be fought, and fought hard it will be epic.

With the change to having clan player servers it’s going to group more pvp players to servers which will in turn make more opportunities to fight other pvp players. It’ll be a lot of fun.

I was here before this thread got closed :v:

why will it get closed?

Guys get me in the screencap

What is a screen cap?

mom im gonna be in history

Time to get destroyed

i am also here before this gets closed :fire:

2 hour clan war (it was against randoms of multiple clans)

I just



so glad I saw this before it got closed :pray:

Double beam and building is gone

guys this post not getting closed T_T

it would be funny if builidings didnt save and we got clips of people freaking cuz they’re buildings got destroyed T_T

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mom im in tv

I bet people are just gonna ignore defenses and fill the islands with farms or whatever gives them the most items and galleons

mmmm thats interesting to think about fr u can either go farm heavy or defense heavy depending how big the island is :astonished:

im sorry but the only island where its worth making a fort its harvest island (gotta keep my goat sarloveze safe)

Watch me pull up with my brig at harvest island and send ultimate art 20 max explosion sized hammer blasts

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“serious series: serious sparrow thrust”

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