Clan Flagships Concept

This is my first suggestion and I was thinking about the building update and I had a far better idea in my opinion than Clan Bases built only on land that needed to be claimed by the guild first.
The Clan Flagship resolves this problems and allows Clans of Lower standing to have something to call their own.

Allow me to explain.
The Clan Flagship is essentially a Clan base that is a Ship. Larger the Clan, Larger the Ship. Very big guilds like Suncry will have a Massive Galleon as their Flagship compared to smaller guilds who will have Ships like Schooners and Cutters. Upon destruction of a Flagship Infamy will be given Scaling with the Size of the Guild in relation to those sunk.

This will add into PvP and PvE combat allowing Guilds to take their flagship along with other ships into battle to take on a Boss or take on a large guild with a massive ship using their armada of smaller ones.

Clan Flagships will be Customize-able with color decor weaponry and more however how much you can add depends on your guilds rank. Also the Clan Flagship can only be spawned in by the Guild leader and Guild Co-leaders to prevent things that will remain unspoken.

This will allow for fun battles against Clans not only relying on PvP skill but how well you handle your ship and coordinate with your Clan mates in sea combat and since its not land bound and permanent within a specific area it is easily defend-able instead of logging in and constantly having someone not in the guild inside and destroying things. Islands will still be claimable as well. And funds from the Clan bank is required to fix the Flagship if damaged.

A very important part to note is that Guild Logo’s will be on the Sails

Thank You to Lonesomwolf for being the base of this concept check out their idea:

Did you Just steal an old suggestion somebody made.

No lol idk if I did tho

Someone posted a suggestion with this exact name, they went more into detail about it, I can’t find the post but you either copied this or it’s a big coincidence

Def big coincidence but ill try to find it and cite the author

Here it is

Thank You!

That’s my suggestion. Who is lonesomwolf???

nice suggestion steal
now get out get out

i mean if the suggestion is made twice then it’s
A. not really that original
B. so original that someone copied it for some reason

'Tis I.
And yes, this is your suggestion.
No, I did not claim it.
And yes I am disappointed you did not spell my name correctly

All I hear is salt from some one not as cool as us

take my vote now

in the future please do some research in this category to make sure your topic hasn’t already been suggested, lest you get people frothing at the mouth at how you possibly stole it

I always Cite My sources as done here

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